It’s crucial to remember that you don’t have to spend a lot money, or any money at all, to have a safe and secure computer. This is, however, not necessarily true, as we can carry viruses between systems on USB sticks. It can be said that there’s no need for antivirus as long as we don’t access the internet from our PC. Installing the best antivirus is no easy task, and sometimes it may be safer for us to download more than one if they each cover different security aspects. There are many antivirus programs available, all ranging in price as the level of security increases. If you’re in the market for some extra security, here are 8 ways to protect your computer from viruses. However, they’re prone to viruses and malware that could harm our files and steal our personal data, such as banking details and social security information. Computers are an incredible technology that many of us use every day of our lives.